Monday, September 20, 2010

Scene 5 complete

The main character punches tetris blocks then is sent flying by exploding tetris blocks (what's the point in trying to describe things to people who don't seem to be there). Starting next week this blog will be moved to Newgrounds.
You can see it at

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Scene 4 Complete

The main character presses a button on his remote and zaps himself into the TV. In the first screen he's got a chef's uniform on and is holding a clever in one hand and a chicken in the other. In the next screen he's smashing the buzzer on his decorated podium, like the ones in front of the shark in the business suit to his right and the old guy with the pyramid hat on his left. In the last screen he's got a detonator in his left hand and a mushroom cloud in the background. He's flanked by a guy with an egg with a face markered on it for a head and an orange cat guy with a black barret.

I find that tying to squeeze too much action into a small amount of time seems to be a problem for me. I had to scrap most of the screens because it was too busy. Hopefully I can resolve the problem in the future.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Still Working On Scene 4

I procrastinated quite a bit this week. I have the part where the character presses the button on the remote, the smoke that rises and the blast residue. The rest of the scene requires 7 screen clips and I'm on the second. Tomorrow's a holiday so I should be able to get some work done then.